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Eagle River YRE Volksmarch

Our second Alaska walk was chosen because I like to get out into the woods. The notice to watch out for bears and moose almost made me NOT walk this event, but we decided to go out and talk to the Rangers at the center. They told us there had been no bear sightings, so we went for it. I wish they had told us that the one loop was under water, and we would have walked the alternate route. But they didn't, and we improvised.

The road in. As you can tell it's raining.

Beginning to clear off.

Rain has stopped (at least for a time).

Waiting for the center to open.

Trees grow big here.

Wooden boardwalk.

Our only moose sighting.

Here's were we turned around.

Vegetation was taller than I was and you had to force your way thru. Any bears hiding in here? We saw several areas that had been mashed down like an animal had laid down for the night.

Do bears eat these berries?

View heading back out.
